
About Linda Rossetti

I am a deeply experienced business leader, Harvard MBA, and pioneering expert on personal and organizational transformation.

Through my work, I hope to create a new conversation about the shifts that occur repeatedly over the arc of our lives that involve our thinking about ‘who we are.’ Despite popular beliefs to the contrary, I now understand such times of upheaval as normal, common, and a signal for meaningful growth.

In my mid-forties, I experienced a major disruption related to the career I had pursued for the better part of twenty-five years. I struggled to make sense of what was happening thanks, in part, to the fact that I’d pushed myself to the brink. Like so many of us! At the time, I struggled to find resources that spoke to the enormity of what I was experiencing. Frustrated and feeling incredibly alone, I resolved to figure out what was happening. I reasoned that my efforts could help not only me but others who found themselves at such a crossroads.

What came next was a fascinating journey of discovery aided by the generosity and vulnerability of hundreds of adults who were also encountering disruption in their lives and careers.

I am astonished by what I learned by listening to their stories.

Despite differences in age, occupation, or personal circumstance, the way folks experienced major change followed unmistakable patterns. It was also striking how frequently folks used negative vocabulary, like “failure,” or a “deficit” of some type, to describe what was happening to them.

Now, after a decade of research into the subject, I am convinced that there is another more expansive lens through which we can interpret and respond to all manner of upheaval. 

My methods for personal and career transformation are rooted in science and based on extensive research. They empower individuals to turn a period of uncertainty and instability into a positive inflection point in their life.

I am no stranger to transformation. Looking back, I see “transformation” as a topic that I had long embraced in business settings, through many career stops. For example, as EVP of Human Resources and Administration for the Fortune 500 company, Iron Mountain, I was tasked with integrating more than two hundred acquisitions into ‘One’ Iron Mountain, a major global transformation initiative. In another instance, while serving as CEO of a venture capital-backed tech company, I drove digital transformation at some of the largest companies on the planet. I drew upon these real-world experiences as I designed the roadmap to guide folks through life’s crossroads.

Today, I create the space for new conversations about disruption, transformation, and possibility in settings that range from kitchen tables to large public stages and corporate board rooms.

My publications include two books, Dancing with Disruption, and Women & Transition. I host the podcast Destination Unknown, and welcome as guests luminaries such as the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Ouided Bouchamaoui, or NPR Marketplace veteran, Tess Vigeland, along with everyday individuals who have a story of growth and hope.  My work has been featured on NPR, NBC, Money Magazine, THRIVEGlobal, and other outlets. I lead The Transition Institute, LLC, a consultancy that collaborates on research and certifies others on transformational methods. And, most importantly, I speak to a variety of organizations on topics related to succeeding during periods of major change.

I look forward to welcoming you to this new conversation and to cheering you on as you respond differently to moments of upheaval and unlock your own unique power.

“This process has touched my life tremendously. The work gave me the courage to overcome my fears and take the plunge into a new and exciting world.”

Trina, a forty-three-year-old mother and solopreneur who participated in my research after a divorce and a crushing mid-career setback.

Interview on Linda’s book, Women and Transition

Thank you for your interest in my work.

Linda R.