Are you a coach, mentor, counselor, advisor, human resources leader, medical professional, or one of those special individuals to whom everyone turns? If so, please join The Transition Institute for Transformation Success: HAIL™, a certification course designed to help you support others who are navigating major changes.
The course features an extensively tested toolkit and a certification for the emotional reframing technique, HAIL™. The program delivers a powerful mix of the research behind the techniques and practical exposure to using them. Watch this video about the course. Scroll down for more videos.
The course will be offered three times in 2025.
This course features HAIL(TM), a groundbreaking emotional reframing technique that has been proven to contribute to an individual’s success with major change. Participants who complete a practicum during the course will receive a LinkedIn certification badge.
All attendees will be introduced to a four-step personal transformation toolkit and receive certification on HAIL(TM). This technique is easy to remember and enables your clients to succeed in light of the presence of the intense emotions that can mobilize during periods of major change.
Your clients can benefit from these methods regardless of what initiates their change, like a career shock, a divorce, the birth of another child, a geographic move, empty nests, retirement, a sudden change in health status, and much more.
The course enables you to coach clients who are navigating career and personal upheaval. You can apply the methods in a variety of settings, including leadership development programs, employee wellness programs, DEI initiatives, team effectiveness activities, conflict resolution seminars, resiliency training, and workshops on problem solving, decision making, and negotiating.
Earn 15 ICF CCEs! 10 Core Competency & 5 Research Development. Here is a course overview. Register Now.
“Extreme value! The course provides a new tool in my toolbox, but also personally it helped me grow. I feel grateful to be amongst the first trained!”
Experienced Coach, April 2023 Cohort
So often as practitioners, we hear about the latest and greatest research or a promising technique, but we are left to our own devices to figure out how to bring it to our clients. This course is different.
We invite you to immerse yourself in the tools, explore the ‘why’ through highlights from our research, practice repeatedly to gain a proficiency of use, take home ready-to-use electronic materials, and continue to refine your use of the methods via three ‘peer’ meetings on Zoom. These tools add value to your public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
Listen to these videos for more information:
We look forward to welcoming you to our program and our community!
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Thank you for your interest in my work.
Linda R.