Linda is a Harvard MBA, serial entrepreneur and expert on transition and its impact on individuals and organizations. Her expertise is derived from diverse environments; from negotiating a complex healthcare merger valued at >$2Bn, to integrating >200 acquired businesses, to spearheading the sale of a technology start-up to a F1000 publicly traded entity, and to driving research over the past decade on individuals and their experience with transition. Her expertise is deeply rooted, original and refreshingly optimistic.
Linda’s first book, Women & Transition, is a 5-star rated Amazon top seller. Her work has been featured on NPR, NECN, CBS/WBZ, Money Magazine, SMARTBrief, The BBJ, and other outlets. Her work with clients includes such organizations as Merrill Lynch, the US Air Force, Analog Devices, Harvard University, Smith College, Young Presidents Organization (YPO), and numerous other commercial, government, non-profit, and academic organizations. She is the founder of The Transition Institute, LLC, a firm that partners with corporations, non-for-profits and individuals who seek to navigate transition successfully.
Linda previously served as Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Administration at Iron Mountain, a C Suite role with responsibility for 21,000 employees in thirty-seven countries; and as CEO of EMaven, Inc., a venture capital-backed technology company that was acquired by Perot Systems, now Dell EMC.
Linda is deeply active in her community. She has extensive for-profit and not-for-profit Board experience. On Boards, she has served on Finance, Compensation, Nominating & Governance, and Strategic Planning Committees as well as serving as Board Chair. She currently co-chairs the Corporate Board Committee of The Boston Club and co-chairs the Upper Middlesex Commission on the Status of Women.
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Thank you for your interest in my work.
Linda R.