
Featured Resources

Welcome! This page features  some of my favorite resources to support you on your transformational journey. Here you can access my podcast – ‘Destination Unknown’; my free weekly online event – ‘Dishing on Disruption; and my favorite articles, videos, blogs and much more. Register below for my newsletter which features the latest resources that support your amazing growth!

Join me for In Transition!

In Transition is a free hybrid event during which we gather to share with one another and – amazingly – learn more about ourselves. The conversation relies on my 10+ years of research into major life changes. Everyone is welcome! 1st Monday of every month, 12:00 – 1:00 pm eastern. Join us at the Winchester Ma Public Library or online.  Yes, this event is the new incarnation of Dishing on Disruption that I ran on Thursday evenings from April 2020 – December 2024.  Access information is the same as Dishing’s. Hope to see you!

More for You

Thrive Global Article

How to Reclaim Your Emotional Health

Rossetti_Cover Image (2)

Book Overivew Video

Dancing with Disruption

Transition Primer Artwork

Transition Primer Video

An Introduction to Transition

Podcast Apearance

Giving Oxygen to Your Wonderful Untapped Self

Podcast Appearance

Turning Up the Volume on Our Own Voices



4 Secrets to Overcoming the Unexpected

Blog Highlights

You and This Moment

You and This Moment

Have you seen yourself lately? Before you think you opened the wrong blog post, I want to be clear. I am not talking about your physical appearance nor am I am shaming you for the color of your roots or even for the pallor you’ve begun to exhibit after untold hours facilitating Zoom-athons for you and every member of your household. The glimpse I am referring to is something we might not regard in the normal course. It is a version of you that intersects with the pandemic in a unique way, one that reminds me that amidst the devastation of our time there may also be something powerful and profound.


RBGs Invitation

RBGs Invitation

RIP RBG. You left us at an unprecedented moment. We have a global pandemic, an increasingly dour economic outlook, deepening societal unrest, and a stark reminder that democracy is not a spectator sport. Within all of that, I see you gazing in my direction with your slight frame, your tilted head, and knowing smile. You are imploring me to recognize something under the surface that no obituary or review of your jurisprudence captures. It is an invitation to see something important and to act. Can you imagine what RBG is imploring us to see?


Smiling from the Heart

Smiling from the Heart

Have you seen it? It’s all over the media. I feel as if I have run into it at every turn since August 11, 2020, the day candidate Joe Biden announced his vice presidential running mate, Senator Kamala Harris. It is the smile. The smile I am referring to has nothing to do with physicality or facial features. It is a smile that emanates from deep within and is sought after by nearly all those who explore transition. This type of smile is available only to those who choose to occupy a special space; one where our truest expectations for ourselves are set, met and – dare I say – exceeded. These smiles emanate from the heart. Have you ever smiled from your heart?


Thank you for your interest in my work.

Linda R.